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A Spanish Guide to Thanksgiving Food Vocabulary Nicole Canún Homeschool Spanish Academy

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Thanksgiving is a traditional holiday when friends and family gather to express gratitude for all the blessings in their lives. 

The most iconic part is the Thanksgiving food, which includes roasted turkey, stuffing, potatoes, gravy, salad, pie, and cranberry sauce, among other dishes and side dishes.

Learning Thanksgiving words in Spanish is an excellent opportunity for language learners and enthusiasts to expand their vocabulary, enhance their cultural knowledge, and make their celebrations more inclusive. 

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore Thanksgiving’s origins, its cultural significance in the United States, how it has been embraced by Hispanics, and the delightful world of Thanksgiving food in Spanish. 

Spice up your Thanksgiving food with a touch of Spanish and savor the rich tapestry of Thanksgiving food in Spanish! 

Let’s embark on this flavorful journey!

Happy Thanksgiving! | © DaPuglet/Flickr

Understanding Thanksgiving: Origins and Cultural Significance

Thanksgiving is an annual holiday celebrated on the fourth Tuesday of November in the United States. 

It has deep historical roots, dating back to the Pilgrims who arrived in Plymouth, Massachusetts, in 1620. 

The Pilgrims’ celebration of their successful harvest in the New World marked the beginning of what we now know as Thanksgiving. 

In the United States, Thanksgiving is a time for family gatherings, expressions of gratitude, and feasting. It’s a moment to appreciate the blessings of the past year. 

Over time, this tradition has evolved, and people from various cultural backgrounds, including Latinos, have embraced it. 

Thanksgiving food is not only what people eat on this holiday but also the center of this special day. 

For example, people worldwide relate turkeys to autumn and gratitude; cranberry is made only for this season, and pumpkin pies are the icon of Thanksgiving. 

Hispanics and Thanksgiving

Hispanic communities in the United States have integrated Thanksgiving into their traditions, adding a unique cultural twist. 

They often blend the rich tapestry of their culinary heritage with classic Thanksgiving dishes. 

Read next: Celebrate Thanksgiving in Spanish Vocabulary for Kids

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Thanksgiving Food in Spanish

Now, let’s dive into the world of Thanksgiving food in Spanish. Here’s a list of essential Thanksgiving food items, translations, and pronunciations for each term. 

But first! How do you say Thanksgiving in Spanish? The celebration is called Día de Acción de Gracias. 

Apple pie – La tarta de manzana (tahr-tah deh mahn-sah-nah)

Brussels sprouts – Las coles de Bruselas (koh-lehs deh Broo-seh-lahs)

Candied pecans – Las nueces acarameladas (nweh-ses ah-kah-rah-meh-lah-das)

Candied yams – Los camotes en almíbar (kah-moh-tes en al-mee-bar)

Caramel flan – El flan de caramelo (flahn deh kah-rah-meh-loh)

Chestnut stuffing – El relleno de castañas (reh-yeh-no deh kahs-tah-nyahs)

Cider – La sidra (see-drah)

Cinnamon spiced apples – Las manzanas con canela (mahn-sah-nas kohn kah-neh-lah)

Corn on the cob – Las mazorcas de maíz (mah-sohr-kahs deh mah-ees)

Cornbread – El pan de maíz (pahn de mah-ees)

Cranberry juice – El jugo de arándanos (hoo-go deh ah-rahn-dah-no)

Cranberry muffins – Los muffins de arándano (moo-feens deh ah-rahn-dah-no)

Cranberry Sauce – La salsa de arándanos (sahl-sah deh Ah-rahn-dah-nos)

Dinner rolls – Los panecillos (pah-neh-see-yos)

Gravy – La salsa de carne (sahl-sah deh kahr-neh)

Green beans – Las judías verdes (hoo-dee-ahs behr-dehs)

Ham – El jamón (hah-mohn)

Mashed potatoes – El puré de papas (poo-reh deh pah-pahs)

Mashed turnips – El puré de nabo (poo-reh deh nah-boh)

Pecan pie – La tarta de nuez (tahr-tah deh nwehs)

Pomegranate salad – La ensalada de granada (ehn-sah-lah-dah deh gra-nah-dah)

Pumpkin pie – La tarta de calabaza (tahr-tah deh kah-lah-bah-sah)

Pumpkin soup – La sopa de calabaza (soh-pah deh kah-lah-bah-sah)

Roast Beef – La carne rostizada (kahr-neh rohs-tee-sah-dah)

Stuffing – El relleno (reh-yeh-no)

Sweet potatoes – Los camotes (kah-moh-tes)

Turkey – El pavo (pah-vo)

These traditional Thanksgiving foods showcase the rich diversity of flavors and ingredients on Thanksgiving tables. 

Whether celebrating in the United States or adding a Spanish twist to your festivities, these items will surely enhance your Thanksgiving feast.

See also: 11 Thanksgiving Activities and Crafts Designed to Help You Teach Spanish

Thanksgiving Around the Spanish-Speaking World

Thanksgiving is celebrated in various forms in Spanish-speaking countries. While not a traditional holiday, some have adopted similar customs of gratitude and feasting. 

For instance, some Mexicans celebrate Día de Acción de Gracias as a day of giving thanks and sharing meals. 

In countries like Puerto Rico, you might find roast pork as a centerpiece and rice with pigeon peas as a side dish, adding a distinctive touch to the celebration. 

In the Dominican Republic, Thanksgiving food includes sancocho (a hearty stew) and tostones (fried plantains). 

Hand-picked for you: How Do Latinos Celebrate Thanksgiving in the US and Canada

Useful Thanksgiving Phrases in Spanish

If you want to add a touch of Spanish to your Thanksgiving celebration, here are some useful words, phrases and sentences:

Blessings to you and yours on this day of gratitude.

Bendiciones para ti y los tuyos en este día de agradecimiento.

Family and friends are life’s true treasures.

La familia y los amigos son el verdadero tesoro de la vida. 

Food is even more delicious when shared with loved ones.

La comida es más deliciosa cuando es compartida con los que amamos.

Gratitude is the memory of the heart.

La gratitud es la memoria del corazón.

Happy Thanksgiving!

¡Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias!

I am thankful for…

Estoy agradecido, agradecida por…

I appreciate your friendship and your presence on this special day. 

Agradezco tu amistad y tu presencia en este día especial.

I can’t wait to try all these delicious dishes.

No puedo esperar a probar todos estos platillos deliciosos.

I hope you enjoy this delicious meal with your family and friends.

Espero que disfrutes de esta deliciosa comida con familiares y amigos. 

Let’s raise a toast to all that we have.

Hagamos un brindis por todo lo que tenemos.

May every bite be filled with love and gratitude.

Que cada bocado esté lleno de amor y gratitud. 

May this day be filled with smiles and happy moments.

Que este día esté lleno de sonrisas y momentos felices.

May you have a Thanksgiving filled with love and joy.

Que tengas un Día de Acción de Gracias lleno de amor y alegría.

On this Thanksgiving Day, we remember the things that truly matter in life.

En este Día de Acción de Gracias, recordamos las cosas que realmente importan en la vida.

Sharing this meal with loved ones is a blessing.

Compartir esta comida con seres queridos es una bendición.

Thank you for sharing this meal and this time together.

Gracias por compartir esta comida y este tiempo juntos.

We gather here to give thanks for what we have.

Nos reunimos para dar gracias por lo que tenemos.

Wishing you a Thanksgiving filled with peace and harmony.

Deseándote un Día de Acción de gracias repleto de paz y armonía.

These phrases will help you express your gratitude and warm wishes during the Thanksgiving celebration. 

Whether you’re a beginner Spanish learner or looking to connect with Spanish-speaking friends and family, these expressions will add a thoughtful touch to your holiday conversations. 

Read also: 10 Fun Filled Thanksgiving Books for Kids in Spanish

Find More Things to Be Thankful For in Spanish!

Incorporating Thanksgiving food and Thanksgiving words in Spanish into your celebration can be a delightful way to embrace diversity and learn more about Spanish-speaking communities.

You’re all set to celebrate with Spanish-speaking family and friends by learning these words about Thanksgiving food in Spanish. 

We hope you can connect with people from different backgrounds, savor diverse flavors, and express gratitude in the language of unity. 

As we conclude our exploration of Thanksgiving food vocabulary and the various ways this holiday is celebrated, we can’t help but emphasize the cultural richness that comes with embracing diversity. 

Whether you’re a Spanish learner, a cultural enthusiast, or someone eager to expand your culinary horizons, delving into the world of Thanksgiving food in Spanish is a flavourful journey worth embarking on.

Spanish-speaking cultures offer a fusion of flavors and traditions. 

From adding a Latin twist to your Thanksgiving feast to sharing warm wishes with Spanish-speaking friends and family, the Spanish language opens doors to new experiences and connections.

To further your experience, surprise your loved ones with these homemade Spanish recipes or Mexican Thanksgiving food. Or better yet, learn Spanish! 

Why not make this Thanksgiving a starting point for your journey into the Spanish language? 

Learning Spanish can be a rewarding endeavor that enriches your life and deepens your understanding of the world. 

As you gather around the Thanksgiving table, remember that language is a bridge that brings people together, and Spanish is a beautiful path to explore.

We offer authentic Spanish instruction and innovative, human-centered learning strategies at Homeschool Spanish Academy. 

Real human connection is one of our biggest differentiators. Achieve your learner-specific language goals with our first-rate, expert curriculum.

Enjoy our flexible scheduling and student-tailored programs. See how much you love speaking Spanish from your very first class, and try a free class today!

Happy Spanish Thanksgiving and enjoy your meal! 

¡Feliz Día de Acción de gracias en español y buen provecho! 

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The post A Spanish Guide to Thanksgiving Food Vocabulary appeared first on Homeschool Spanish Academy.

Read More Thanksgiving is a traditional holiday when friends and family gather to express gratitude for all the blessings in their lives.  The most iconic part is the Thanksgiving food, which includes roasted turkey, stuffing, potatoes, gravy, salad, pie, and cranberry sauce, among other dishes and side dishes. Learning Thanksgiving words in Spanish is an excellent opportunity
The post A Spanish Guide to Thanksgiving Food Vocabulary appeared first on Homeschool Spanish Academy. 

 Hispanic Culture Homeschool Spanish Academy 

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