Check out these candy counting pages perfect for younger students to get their practice in on counting. These cool pages can help them practice their counting and are a ton of fun as well.
Check out these awesome candy counting pages for kids to practice their numbers and counting. They will have a ton of fun counting all the candy in the jars. These candy counting pages come with mini games for kids to play.
This game can be determined by you for your students. You can take these candy counting pages and have students move around the outside of the pages with a die and color in the number represented by the jar they land on.
You can get creative with a way to play the game with your lesson plans. Kids will be able to practice their numbers and you can have them color in the page after for some more added fun. Kids are sure to have a blast with these candy counting pages.
You can print these candy counting pages using the link down below. You can use this for any math lesson and your kids are sure to have a blast playing the completing these candy counting pages.
Check out these links for more counting pages.
Click this link to download your free candy counting pages.
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The post Candy Counting Pages appeared first on Free Homeschool Deals ©.
Check out these candy counting pages perfect for younger students to get their practice in on counting. These cool pages can help them practice their counting and are a ton of fun as well. Check out these awesome candy counting pages for kids to practice their numbers and counting. They will have a ton of
The post Candy Counting Pages appeared first on Free Homeschool Deals ©. Read More Free Homeschool Deals ©