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The Gift of a Godly, Authentic Homeschool Mom a.hauser At Home Archives – Abeka

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What does a GAHM (godly, authentic homeschool mom) look like?

GAHMs don’t feel prepared.

Cathy started homeschooling with only a high school diploma. She admits she didn’t feel confident. Now 30 years and 11 children later, Cathy gives credit to God: “In my weakness, God is strong.”

Having only a high school diploma became an advantage. It forced her to get out of the way. Cathy remembers, “I realized my dependence upon the Lord; I was totally incapable of doing it myself.” One by one, all of Cathy’s children began their own spiritual walk and learned to read.

GAHMs are not perfect.

Dawn remembers a turning point the day her lesson plans fell apart and she lost her temper.

“I remember just sitting in the basement and weeping,” she says. “I begged God to help me put godliness first for all of us, and when I fail, to make me willing to make it right with my children.”

Dawn finished homeschooling all three children. She continues to serve as a pastor’s wife, piano teacher, businesswoman, and grandma.

GAHMs are still learning.

Emese and her family were studying Abeka’s Character Development series when she was convicted about her own anger.

The day they reviewed self-control, one of her children spilled a cup of juice. The Lord quickly brought to mind self-control. “I took a deep breath,” she said, “realized it was an accident, and told the child to help me clean up.”

As Emese sat down, another child’s drink spilled. By the time it was cleaned up, her third child’s drink spilled as well. Emese recalls, “As we were taking dishes to the sink, I knocked over my travel mug.  At this point, I laughed out loud and thanked God for the lesson on self-control.”

GAHMs make a huge impact.

For every story that demonstrates what the godly, authentic homeschool mom is not, homeschool children have a story that demonstrates what she is.

Luke, a high school senior, remembers his mom suggesting that he and his siblings go outside and practice art. “The best thing about it,” Luke shares, “was that my mom joined us instead of just sending us outside. She was painting alongside the rest of us. Even though she wasn’t teaching us any curriculum, I think what she did with us made a bigger impact.”

Now in her first year of law school, Erin looks back at her mom’s godly example. “She taught me how to go above and beyond for others,” Erin says. “If I questioned why, she would say, ‘Because people are worth the investment.’ If we had not been homeschooled, I would not have witnessed so many acts of her kindness.”

GAHMs teach more than academics.

Erin sums up the godly, authentic, homeschool mom when she says, “By homeschooling, my mom taught me way more than academics.” From a mom’s perspective, Emese confesses the same ideal, “My work as a mother is constantly being refined, tested, and purified.”

Perhaps homeschooling is God’s gift to refine both children and godly, authentic homeschool moms?


Proverbs 31:26  She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the
law of kindness.

Galatians 5:16  I say then, Walk in the Spirit…


Proverbs 31:30  Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.

Philippians 4:8  Whatsoever things
are true, whatsoever things are honest…
think on these things.


Proverbs 31:27 She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.


Proverbs 31:28 Her children arise up, and call her blessed…

Ephesians 6:2 Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise.

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Download them all here.

The post The Gift of a Godly, Authentic Homeschool Mom appeared first on Abeka.

Read More What does a GAHM (godly, authentic homeschool mom) look like? GAHMs don’t feel prepared. Cathy started homeschooling with only a high school diploma. She admits she didn’t feel confident. Now 30 years and 11 children later, Cathy gives credit to God: “In my weakness, God is strong.” Having only a high school diploma became an
The post The Gift of a Godly, Authentic Homeschool Mom appeared first on Abeka. At Home, homeschool, Mom At Home Archives – Abeka  

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