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5 Fun & Easy Spanish Activities to Do at Home with Your Preschooler Alexandra H. Homeschool Spanish Academy

If you’ve been thinking about introducing Spanish to your preschooler but feel unsure about where to start, you’re not alone. Many parents worry about making language learning too structured or think they need to be fluent in Spanish to teach it effectively. The good news is that you don’t need to be a Spanish speaker to help your child learn!

At this age, children learn best through play, music, and everyday activities. By making Spanish a natural part of their routine, you can create an engaging, stress-free learning experience. The more playful the approach, the more effectively they will absorb and retain the language.

The ability to speak Spanish is an incredible gift that will benefit your child for life. In this guide, we’ll share five interactive and engaging activities that will help your preschooler start learning Spanish at home—no prior experience required!

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Preschool is the ideal time to introduce Spanish because young children’s brains are wired for language acquisition. Their ability to pick up new sounds, words, and sentence structures is at its peak, making this the perfect stage for effortless learning.

Also, preschoolers are not afraid to make mistakes, which allows them to learn Spanish without hesitation or embarrassment.

By incorporating Spanish into everyday routines, your child will absorb the language just as they learned their first words in English. Here are five simple and effective activities you can start using today to introduce Spanish in a fun and natural way.

Music is one of the most powerful tools for language learning. Songs help children remember words and phrases through repetition and rhythm, making pronunciation more intuitive.

Play Spanish nursery rhymes and encourage your child to sing along. Choose interactive movement songs, such as Cabeza, Hombros, Rodillas y Pies (Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes), to reinforce vocabulary with physical actions. You can also create your own fun songs using simple Spanish phrases that describe daily activities.

  • Los Pollitos Dicen (The Little Chicks Say)
  • Cinco Monitos Saltando en la Cama (Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed)
  • Yo Tenía 10 Perritos (I Had 10 Puppies)
  • A Mi Burro (To My Donkey)
  • Vamos Todos a Dormir (Let’s Go to Sleep)

Pro Tip: Play Spanish songs on YouTube or Spotify during car rides, playtime, or bedtime to create daily exposure to the language.

This classic game builds vocabulary and helps children associate Spanish words with real-world objects.

Choose an object in the room and describe it in Spanish. For example, say, Veo, veo… algo rojo (I spy something red). Encourage your child to guess the object, reinforcing both color recognition and vocabulary.

Once they master colors, expand the game by incorporating different categories such as fruits, household objects, or animals.

  • Colors: rojo (red), azul (blue), verde (green), amarillo (yellow)
  • Common objects: pelota (ball), libro (book), silla (chair), zapato (shoe)
  • Fruits: manzana (apple), plátano (banana), pera (pear), fresa (strawberry)
  • Rooms in the house: sala (living room), cocina (kitchen), recámara (bedroom)
  • Toys: carritos (toy cars), rompecabezas (puzzles), muñecas (dolls)

Make It More Fun: Use a small magnifying glass or pretend binoculars to turn your child into a language detective!

Seeing Spanish words daily reinforces vocabulary and helps children recognize and remember common terms effortlessly.

Write Spanish words on sticky notes and place them on objects around the house. Every time your child sees a note, say the word together in Spanish. For example, place a note on the door that says puerta and say, Vamos a abrir la puerta (Let’s open the door).

  • La mesa (table)
  • La silla (chair)
  • La ventana (window)
  • El baño (bathroom)
  • La cocina (kitchen)
  • El microondas (microwave)
  • El horno (oven)

Pro Tip: Change the labels each week to introduce new words and reinforce learning over time.

Storytime is already part of your child’s routine, making it an easy way to introduce Spanish naturally. Reading bilingual books strengthens comprehension and reinforces vocabulary.

Choose books with both English and Spanish text. Read the English version first, then highlight Spanish words as you go. Encourage your child to repeat new words after you to build confidence.

  • Buenas Noches, Luna (Goodnight Moon)
  • Oso Pardo, Oso Pardo, ¿Qué Ves Ahí? (Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?)
  • De la Cabeza a los Pies (From Head to Toe)

Bonus Tip: Act out parts of the story to make it more interactive. The next morning, talk about the story using the Spanish words learned the night before to reinforce retention.

Cooking engages all the senses, making it a hands-on and immersive way to introduce Spanish vocabulary. It also encourages quality bonding time between parent and child.

Prepare a simple snack like banana slices with honey (plátano con miel). As you cook, say the ingredients and actions in Spanish, and encourage your child to repeat them. Let them help with basic tasks like stirring or counting ingredients.

  • Plátano (banana)
  • Miel (honey)
  • Cuchara (spoon)
  • Mezclar (to mix)
  • Probar (to taste)
  • ¿Te gustó? (Did you like it?)
  • ¿Quieres más? (Would you like more?)

Make It Even More Fun: Pretend you are hosting a Spanish-language cooking show, and let your child be the chef!

Helping your preschooler learn Spanish doesn’t have to be complicated. By incorporating these simple activities into daily life, you can make language learning natural, enjoyable, and stress-free.

Want to take your child’s Spanish learning to the next level?

Click below to explore Homeschool Spanish Academy’s personalized, play-based Spanish lessons for preschoolers!

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- Melanie

“It’s great being able to interact with native speaking people and having a conversation with them not just doing all the work on paper. It’s also an amazing opportunity to speak with native Spanish-speaking people without having to travel to a native Spanish-speaking country.”

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- Abby

“Getting to know wonderful teachers who care about me and my growth in language and education. Evelyn Gomez and Erick Cacao are two of the most extraordinary people I have ever met, and talking with them in Spanish at the beginning of classes is always so fulfilling and greatly contributes to my happiness, joy, and wellbeing.”

– Abby

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Karie Ann, Parent of 3

Want more free Spanish lessons, fun content, and easy learning strategies? Check these out!

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Read More [[{“value”:”If you’ve been thinking about introducing Spanish to your preschooler but feel unsure about where to start, you’re not alone. Many parents worry about making language learning too structured or think they need to be fluent in Spanish to teach it effectively. The good news is that you don’t need to be a Spanish speaker
The post 5 Fun & Easy Spanish Activities to Do at Home with Your Preschooler appeared first on Homeschool Spanish Academy.”}]] 

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