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Explicit Vocabulary Instruction Guest Author Homeschool .com

Post written and sponsored by LevelUp Reader.

Explicit Vocabulary Instruction in a Structured Literacy Approach

We, as educators, all know vocabulary instruction is important. If feels silly to even suggest such an obvious thing. Of course, understanding the meaning of words is necessary for comprehension! But what is a bit trickier to determine is: Which words do we teach? There are millions of words out there. How do we know which words require our time and energy? And furthermore, what’s the most efficient and effective way to teach them?


Research conducted by Beck, McKeown, and Kucan (2013) highlights that vocabulary knowledge is strongly correlated with reading comprehension. Students often encounter words in texts that are critical for understanding central ideas but are difficult to infer from context alone. Explicit instruction ensures these words—often Tier 2 vocabulary words, or high-utility words that are essential for comprehension and transferable across contexts—are taught in depth, enabling students to grasp their meanings and applications across multiple contexts.


Focusing on Tier 2 words helps students build the language skills they need to engage with complex texts and academic content. Why are the characteristics of Tier 2 words important?

  • Students don’t already know them.
    Teaching words students are unfamiliar with ensures instructional time is used effectively, targeting words that have yet to be learned rather than reinforcing what is already known.
  • They are critical for understanding themes and ideas.
    Selecting words tied to the central theme of a text ensures that vocabulary instruction supports comprehension and ensures students get to the deeper meaning of what they’re reading.
  • They are likely to appear across contexts.
    By focusing on words that transfer from one subject area to another, you give students tools they can use in a wide range of settings, making instruction more impactful.
  • They are difficult to learn from context alone.
    While some words can be inferred from the text that surrounds them, many Tier 2 words are abstract or have multiple meanings, requiring explicit instruction to clarify their meanings and proper use.

Explicitly teaching vocabulary is crucial because it provides students with the tools they need to comprehend complex texts and communicate effectively. Marzano (2004) emphasizes that direct vocabulary instruction can significantly enhance students’ academic achievement, as it equips them with the language skills needed to engage deeply with content. Without explicit teaching, students, particularly those from language-poor environments, may not acquire the academic vocabulary necessary for success in school and beyond. In their 2000 report, the National Reading Panel suggests limiting instruction to about 10–12 words per week to ensure depth of understanding and meaningful application.


To effectively teach 10–12 words per week:

  • Select words purposefully: Choose Tier 2 words from upcoming texts or content areas.
  • Use rich instruction: Provide student-friendly definitions, examples, and opportunities for practice. Using a common instructional routine for teaching new vocabulary, such as the one linked, teaches many layers of language and leads to mastery.
  • Engage in multiple exposures: Provide students with opportunities to encounter the newly taught words in various contexts through discussions, writing, and additional readings.
  • Incorporate active learning: Use strategies like semantic mapping, sentence generation, and word sorts to further deepen understanding.

This explicit focus on Tier 2 words can dramatically enhance students’ vocabulary breadth, comprehension skills, and overall academic success. LevelUp Reader provides rich, authentic text designed to engage learners with real-world content. These texts expose students to a wide variety of words in meaningful contexts, making it easier for them to grasp nuances and deepen their understanding. By integrating LevelUp’s authentic materials into your teaching, you create a dynamic and immersive environment that fosters both vocabulary growth and a love for reading.


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With LevelUp Reader, you’ll have a comprehensive, customizable, and effective reading tool that supports every stage of literacy development. Whether your child is learning their initial letter sounds or diving into classic literature, this platform is your all-in-one homeschool reading solution.


Start today and watch your child’s reading skills soar—with less stress and more joy in your homeschool day!


Beck, I. L., McKeown, M. G., & Kucan, L. (2013). Bringing words to life: Robust vocabulary instruction (2nd ed.). The Guilford Press.


Marzano, R. J. (2004) Building background knowledge for academic achievement: Research on what works in schools. ASCD.


National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD). (2000). Report of the National Reading Panel: Teaching children to read: An evidence-based assessment of the scientific research literature on reading and its implications for reading instruction.

The post Explicit Vocabulary Instruction first appeared on Homeschool .com.

Read More [[{“value”:”Post written and sponsored by LevelUp Reader. Explicit Vocabulary Instruction in a Structured Literacy Approach We, as educators, all know vocabulary instruction is important. If feels silly to even suggest such an obvious thing. Of course, understanding the meaning of words is necessary for comprehension! But what is a bit trickier to determine is: Which
The post Explicit Vocabulary Instruction first appeared on Homeschool .com.”}]] 

 Elementary Homeschool, Homeschool Language Arts, homeschool language arts, homeschool reading, homeschool resources, homeschool teaching methods Homeschool .com 

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