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Free Nikola Tesla Mini-Lesson Free Homeschool Deals Free Homeschool Deals ©

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Tesla was a brilliant inventor who made significant contributions to the development of modern technology. He is a fascinating figure who continues to inspire people around the world.

10 things every kid should know about Nikola Tesla:

He was a Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist, futurist, and polymath.

He is best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system.

He developed the concept of the rotating magnetic field, which is used in most electric motors and generators today.

He also invented the Tesla coil, a type of transformer that generates high-voltage, high-frequency alternating current.

Tesla was a prolific inventor and held over 200 patents in the United States.

He was a visionary thinker and also made contributions to the development of wireless communication, robotics, and solar energy.

Tesla was a complex and eccentric figure, and his personality often clashed with those of his contemporaries.

He was also a workaholic and often worked long hours in his laboratory.

Tesla died in 1943 at the age of 86.

He is considered one of the greatest inventors of all time.

Here are some other interesting facts about Nikola Tesla:

He was born during a lightning storm.

He had a photographic memory and could memorize entire books.

He was afraid of germs and had a phobia of buttons.

He was a vegetarian and teetotaler.

He was obsessed with the number 3 and many of his inventions were based on the number.

He was a visionary thinker and predicted the development of many technologies that we use today, such as smartphones, wireless communication, and robotics.

Learn more about Nikola Tesla with a free mini-lesson from

He’s part of the July Calendar of Famous Folks.

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[[{“value”:”Tesla was a brilliant inventor who made significant contributions to the development of modern technology. He is a fascinating figure who continues to inspire people around the world. 10 things every kid should know about Nikola Tesla: Here are some other interesting facts about Nikola Tesla: Learn more about Nikola Tesla with a free mini-lesson
The post Free Nikola Tesla Mini-Lesson appeared first on Free Homeschool Deals ©.”}]]  Read More Free Homeschool Deals © 

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