Most are familiar with STEM, but just to refresh, it stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. It’s an educational philosophy that incorporates each topic so that children are gaining knowledge in an interdisciplinary environment. For example, when teaching science skills, you’ll also integrate math and perhaps technology in the lesson.
These subjects are aligned with how things are done in the workforce. After all, employers expect their employees to have multiple skills. If you’re an engineer, you’ll be using all four STEM components on the job… not just engineering. It’s a real-world teaching method that prepares students to critically think on multiple levels, which will vastly improve their problem-solving skills.
The 4Cs and STEM
While teaching STEM subjects is important, it’s also important to add the 4Cs: Collaboration, Creativity, Communication, and Critical Thinking. A study by technology giant Google found the top six characteristics that they look for in an employee. The results were shocking:
Being a good coach
Communicating and listening well
Possessing insights into others
Having empathy toward and being supportive of one’s colleagues
Being a good critical thinker and problem solver
The ability to make connections across complex ideas
The good news is that you can include these skills as you teach STEM subjects. They really go hand-in-hand and work perfectly for an interdisciplinary approach. The following are some STEM activities that you can incorporate into your homeschooling.
Science Activities
There are multiple science activities that you can find online and at home. A quick search will provide a list of many resources that offer free lessons, experiments, and many other hands-on projects. You can also do your own science experiments that include math such as baking bread or a cake, building toy models, or experimenting with chemical reactions. Other activities include:
Taking a field trip to a local science museum
Make your own periodic table
Watch science videos and recreate the project on the video
Do the “drinking plant” experiment
Raise butterflies
Purchase inexpensive science or lab kits
Build your own ecosystem
Investigate science crates that teach students about electronics — also known as STEM kits
The possibilities are nearly endless, especially with the internet as a resource for finding different science activities for students of all ages and learning proficiencies.
Technology Activities
Technology is all around us — many parents may already be using technology for their homeschooling. For example, online curriculum products invite collaboration, communication, and critical thinking while blending in technology by using computers, tablets, and smartphones. Kids of all ages love working on computers, and chances are they’ll be working on a computer or using technology when they find employment.
If you want to include technology in your homeschooling try these activities:
Watch video tutorials on any subject your child enjoys
Investigate free college courses online
Incorporate educational apps and podcasts that align with your subjects
Use an online curriculum like Time4Learning, which offers automated system grades lessons and keeps reports for homeschool portfolio usage
Learn to use a camera to create
Investigate robotics — there are many inexpensive options
Play computer games and as your children get older, create your own website
Sit down with your children and find out what interests them. Chances are you’ll be able to integrate technology into their activities. Even something as typical as communication invites technology when you teach your children how to write an email or send a text.
Engineering Activities
Engineering not only uses the other elements of STEM, but it also includes many of the 4Cs. Engineers from almost every field communicate with others, create, collaborate, and use critical thinking while they go through what is called the “design process”. Even if your child has no interest in this field, introducing the concepts behind engineering, such as brainstorming and evaluating, will help them develop many other skills. Engineering activities for all ages include:
Building different structures with legos
Engineering a mountain rescue litter using common household materials
Designing a dome that can hold a specified amount of weight
Building a spaghetti bridge
Building a water clock
Designing and testing your own water filters
Analyzing a model rocket’s design and flight, compared to a real rocket
What’s really great about these activities is that they are hands-on and require many skills. All age levels love doing these projects. It’s almost like they’re not doing schoolwork!
Math Activities
Finding math activities for kids of all ages is easy. You not only have textbooks and online curriculum products, but you also have everyday activities like spending money, cooking meals, filling up your car with gas, or playing board games. Although math is intimidating for many kids (and parents), there are teaching methods and activities that make it fun. They include:
Online curriculum programs that offer interactive lessons, which make learning difficult math concepts easier
Board games such as Sum Swamp and Pay Day! Or online games like Time4MathFacts!
Create a grocery list, set a dollar limit, and have your older student pick the groceries without going over the limit
Craft a family budget with your students
Math tutorials, free online math courses, and videos for all grade levels
Games such as All-Variables Sudoku and Constellation Sudoku for older students
Math projects such as Box Office Totals, which can be used for all age levels
These activities not only build a solid math foundation, but some of them also expand upon it by including the use of data, charts, and graphs. Children will lean on the 4Cs and use skills they’ve sharpened in the other STEM subjects.
Incorporating STEM activities into your daily homeschooling schedule will help keep your students excited about learning and also sharpen the skills that are necessary for future employment. It’s a win-win strategy for you and your children!
Additional Homeschool Resources
Incorporating STEM Into Your Homeschool
Why is STEM Important in Your Homeschool?
6 Unique Ways to Include STEM in Your Homeschool Routine
The post STEM Activities for Homeschoolers first appeared on Homeschool .com.
Read More Looking for STEM homeschool opportunities? It’s a real-world method for preparing students to critically think on multiple levels. Read more for fun activities!
The post STEM Activities for Homeschoolers first appeared on Homeschool .com.
Elementary Homeschool, Featured, Homeschool Math, Homeschool Science, STEAM/STEM, homeschool science, life skills, sponsored content, STEM experiments, Homeschool .com