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Printable Scripture Cards

I learned about the effectiveness of scripture cards from a dear friend – and a couple of sweet elementary-aged girls.

My friend’s husband was in the end stages of cancer. The girls (my daughter being one of them) wanted to make this woman something that would encourage her. They came up with the idea of creating scripture cards.

The girls lovingly made each one by hand, cut them apart, and put them into a Ziplock bag. It was such a sweet gift, and I remember my friend telling me that she could never get enough of them. Whenever her thoughts would stray into scary territory, she would pull out scripture and let it fill her mind.

She kept them in her purse, in her car, in her bedroom, in her bathroom. You get the idea.

Fast forward several years and my own mother was battling metastatic breast cancer. Homeschooling through grief is its own topic, but I made a scripture ring for my mother. When she passed away my dad latched onto it – and when he passed away I took it back, because I sure needed it!

God’s word is true and GOOD, and His plan for our lives is BEST, but we must remind ourselves of that – sometimes constantly when the forces of the world are closing in around us.

A ring of scripture is also such a simple thing to keep in a Morning Basket or wherever you spend a lot of time with your kids. Can they memorize the verses on the ring? Maybe they want to create their own ring.

Fast forward another few years, and a family in our church suffered a tragedy – the death of a young and husband and father. It was unexpected. I didn’t quite know what to do when I went to visit the family just a few days after this had occurred.

They had enough food. I knew they would have a lot of flowers. What I COULD do was sit, listen, and offer God’s word.

A scripture ring seemed appropriate, so I made a couple. I created images with my favorite verses for grieving times, printed and laminated them. Then I punched holes and put them on a binder ring.

I prayed as I laminated and cut.

I wrote a card and then tied the scripture ring onto the envelope with pretty ribbon (Do you have a stash of pretty ribbon – it comes in SO handy! I also keep a stash of cards.).

These are the eight verses I included:

Romans 8:8

John 16:22

Psalm 16:8

Psalm 118:5

Hebrews 6:19

2 Corinthians 5:16

Ecclesiastes 3:1

Matthew 11:29

When I shared this little project on Instagram stories, many asked where they could get them. Scripture cards are all over the place, and you can purchase tons of beautiful cards on Etsy.

I don’t think you should have to purchase them, though, so I’m sharing these scripture cards with you. Something lovingly put together by a friend always means so much, doesn’t it?

Fill out the form below and then watch your email for your download!

And, I’d love for you to share these with others – share this post with them, but please don’t share the file directly.

We know God’s word is quick, powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12). It should be our first defense in times of trouble and the first praise on our lips in times of joy.

I hope you enjoy these scripture cards and that you can perhaps bless others with them, too.

Do you use scripture cards?

Share with me in the comments below how they have helped you.

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