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Morpheme BLACKOUT Games

It’s time for some Morpheme BLACKOUT Games for prefixes, word roots, and suffixes!

You might also like our Morphology Pocket Chart Cards and our Homophone BLACKOUT games.

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Morpheme BLACKOUT Games

In this free pack, you also have 36 different BLACKOUT boards to choose from: 12 boards for prefixes, 12 boards for word roots, and 12 boards for suffixes!

If you teach more than twelve learners and would like to play whole-group, pair up learners and have them play as a team.

*Scroll down towards the BOTTOM of this post to subscribe and snag these games!



Morphemes Included in this Pack:

The prefixes and definitions included in this pack are: anti-, auto-, bi-, circu-/circum-, co-/com-/con-, de-, dis–, em-/en-, ex-, fore-, im-/in- (in), in-/il-/im-/ir– (not), inter-, mal-, micro-, mid-, mis-, mon-/mono-, multi-, non-, over-, peri-, poly-, post-, pre-, pro-, re-, semi-, sub-, super-, tele-, trans-, tri-, un-, under-, & uni- 

The Greek roots and Latin Stems and their definitions included in this pack are: aster/astr, aud/audi , bene/bono, bi/bio, cap, chron, cred, cycl/cycle, dic/dict, duc/duct, equa/equi, flect/flex, form, graph, hydra/hydro, ject, logo/logue, meter/metr, miss/mit, path , ped/pod, phon/phone, photo, port, pos/pon, prim/princ, quir/ques, rupt, scope, scrib/script, sect/seg, sequ/sec, spec/spect, struc/struct, terra, therm, tract, vid/vis, vers/vert, & voc

The suffixes and definitions included in this pack are: -able/-ible , -al/-ial, -ant, -ed, –en, -er  (a person who), -er (comparing two things), -es  plural, –est, –ful, –ic, –ily, –ing, -ion, –ish, –ist, –ity, –ive, -less, -logy, –ly, –ment, -ness, -or, –ous, -s, -ty, and -y


How to Play the Morpheme BLACKOUT games.

These Morpheme BLACKOUT games are played like BINGO, except that learners are looking for word PARTS on their board.

Call a word from the Blackout Call Board and tell learners which word part they are to listen for in the word such as prefix, suffix, or word root. For example, “Cover the word root of tricycle,” {to be used with the word root games.}

Players look for the word on their board, and cover the word if they have it.

With all words that are called, I highly encourage you to give learners a minute to figure it out, then give the answer {or ask a learner to share with everyone what prefix, root, or suffix everyone should be looking for.}

Make it visual by writing the word element on the board OR displaying the word using my Morphology Pocket Chart Cards.


When a player has the entire board covered, they say, “Blackout!”



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Enjoy teaching!

The post Morpheme BLACKOUT Games appeared first on This Reading Mama.

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