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Invest in the Space That You Have

Are you struggling to make your homeschool space work for your family? Read below for a few organizational and design ideas of how these moms created a unique and comfortable homeschool area for their children.

1. One Room–Dual Purpose

Jennifer homeschools five children. She made their space work by combining the school room with their office space. There’s wisdom in having everyone busy in one room. She says, “If you have little ones, you understand why I say we ‘homeschool’ them too.” A small space can become a blessing to a mom who has to multi-task.

-Jennifer K., FL

2. Use Your Home’s Décor

Jennifer’s goal was to have a schoolroom that flowed with the rest of their home’s décor. To do this, she looked online for inspiration, had new wood floors installed, and made an art display that fit her style beautifully.

-Jennifer W., RI

3. Make Use of Freebies

Connie was looking for a way to use their large basement to homeschool her six children. She took advantage of nearby office renovations and received six fabulously free dividers. Now each child has an individual study space.

-Connie S., KS

4. Homeschooling at the Table

Jessica says, “I purchased two magazine holders for each of my children.  When it’s time for school, thy grab their holder and carry it to the table. I grab the teacher’s manuals and a binder containing Abeka charts and games. This helps us stay organized and makes picking up the table quick and easy.

-Jessica C., VA

5. Combine New and Used

Laura set up her school room by mixing new furniture with compatible online or garage sale pieces. She says, “My desk is the middle one; my kids sit on either side. They each get two cubbies for school supplies. I store the books in wide 3-section magazine holders that I found on Amazon. They were black so I spray painted them white to match the furniture.”

-Laura C., TN

Remember, work with what you have available to you. Don’t try to replicate the traditional brick-and-mortar classroom. This is your space, your journey. Have fun and happy learning!

The post Invest in the Space That You Have appeared first on Abeka.

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