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Composer Study Made Easy

Confession time. I’ve been really slow about starting composer study with Eli (2nd grade.) Yep. Even seasoned Charlotte Mason homeschoolers don’t do everything all the time. But…and this is a big but…I’m doing it now and it’s never been easier!

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Forget the fact that I got the Zeezok Music Appreciation for the Elementary Grades Book 1 Program for free and was compensated for my time in writing this post. I’m SERIOUSLY in love with this program and I’m over the moon that I don’t have to plan my own composer studies anymore!

Charlotte Mason Composer Study

“Let young people study as far as possible under one master until they have received some of this teaching and know its style.” Charlotte Mason

What is Charlotte Mason’s style of composer study? The way I’ve always interpreted it is really pretty simple…We choose one composer to study for four weeks or so. During that time, we listen to his music, talk about his style, learn a bit about the composer’s life, and learn a bit about the musical period and its instruments.

None of that sounds daunting and really isn’t if you have the time to gather the CDs, biographies, and information about the musical period and such.

Continue reading Composer Study Made Easy at Our Journey Westward.

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