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SH #106: The “S” Word: Socialization

SH #106: The “S” Word: Socialization ~
Written by Jamie C. Martin of Simple Homeschool and Introverted Moms

Welcome back to a new episode of the Simple Homeschool podcast! This year I’m doing a special podcast series with my 18-year-old son Jonathan: “Reflections from a Homeschool Graduate.”

Jonathan was homeschooled from K-12th grade so he has a unique perspective, and guess what one of the most-submitted questions for him to answer has been?

That’s right – in this episode we’re talking THE “S” word: Socialization!

The “S” Word: Socialization

In Episode 106, you’ll hear us answer these questions: 

Where do you make friends?
Did you ever feel like it was difficult to find common ground to connect with peers about?
Do you feel like you get along well with other homeschoolers?
Do you feel you get along with your peers in general?

Click here to stream/download Episode 106! Find it wherever you listen to podcasts and subscribe so you’ll be notified when we release another episode in a couple of weeks.

Links and Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

This episode is NOT sponsored by Stew Leonards (listen in for more context LOL), but IS sponsored by My Fun Science and Sonlight!
Carl Azuz on Sonlight’s YouTube channel
Why Everyone Wants to Quit Homeschooling in November and February
Our 2023 Homeschool Day in the Life Series
Follow Jamie on Instagram and Facebook
Take my quiz, What’s Your Homeschool Mom Personality?

Do you have a homeschooling question for Jonathan or me to answer in an upcoming episode? If so, leave it in a comment on this post or email it to me at with the subject line “Podcast Question” and we’ll see what we can do!

* Listen to more episodes of the Simple Homeschool podcast here.

* Click here for the auto-generated transcript of this episode.

What’s Your Homeschool Mom Personality? Take Jamie’s quiz now and receive a free personality report to help you organize your homeschool based on what your personality type needs most!

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