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Free Science Unit Studies and Lesson Plans Freedom Homeschooling

Freedom Homeschooling

Free Science Unit Studies and Lesson Plans

Science is a fun subject to teach, but coming up with ideas for lessons can be challenging. You don’t need to spend your time scouring the internet looking for science materials. We’ve found many sources of free science unit studies, lesson plans, and experiments. These free resources are perfect for piecing together your own science curriculum based on your children’s interests. They can also be used to supplement any science curriculum.

Free Science Unit Studies, Lesson Plans, and Experiments

Agriculture in the Classroom (K to 12th) – lesson plans covering agriculture, science, social studies, and nutrition

American Geosciences Institute (K to 5th) – Resources, activities, and more for teaching earth science

APS Physics (K to 8th) – Physics activities and coloring books

The Biology Corner (6th to 12th) – Lesson plans, worksheets, and tutorials for students and teachers

Core Knowledge Foundation (K to 5th) – Downloadable lessons with teacher guides

Discover the Forrest (K to 12th) –  A collection of outdoor science activities

Discover Your Changing World with NOAA (5th to 8th) – A downloadable book of climate science activities and experiments

Easy Fun School (K to 6th) – An index of science lesson plans and experiments

Education World (K to 12th) – A large selection of science lesson plans and activities

Funology (K to 6th) – A collection of simple science experiments

Go Science Girls (K to 12th) – 100 science experiments covering a wide range of topics.

The Good and The Beautiful Marine Biology (K to 8th) – A 13-lesson downloadable marine biology unit study

The Homeschool Daily (K to 8th) – Unit studies, printables, experiments, and STEM labs

Homeschool Helper Online (K to 8th) – Science unit studies covering a variety of topics

Homeschool Lesson Plans (2nd to 9th) – Science lesson plans with videos and hands-on activities

The Homeschool Scientist (K to 8th) – Printable lesson plans covering a variety of topics.

How to Smile (K to 12th) – Guides for nearly 3,500 science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) activities

Instructables (1st – 8th) – project-based STEM lessons

Inquiry in Action (K to 5th) – Inquiry-based lesson plans covering science and chemistry in everyday life

Kristin Moon Science (K to 12th) – Science lessons, experiments, videos, and teaching ideas

Learn Bright (1st to 6th) – A library of science lesson plans

Little Bins for Little Hands (K to 6th) – Science experiments and STEM activities covering a wide range of topics

Meet Penny (K to 8th) – A large collection of science experiments

Minerals Education Coalition (K to 12th) – Lessons plans, activities, presentations, handouts, and more that teach about minerals and mining

Nature Works (3rd to 6th) – 16 free episodes about natural science with lesson plans

Netflix’s Brain Child (3rd to 8th) – Lesson plans and student handouts to use with Netflix’s science program

NGSS Biology (6th to 12th) – Biology lesson plans, activities, experiments, worksheets, tests, and more

PBS Learning Media (K to 12th) – Lesson plans, videos, and interactive tools for teaching science

Polar Bears International (4th to 12th) – Downloadable units and lesson plans about polar bears

Rain Bird’s Explorations into Water (3rd to 6th) –  Downloadable unit study about water, with an emphasis on conservation

Rain Bird’s Rain Forrest Teaching Curriculum (K to 12th) – Ebook of hands-on activities that teach about the rain forest

Sanford PROMISE (K to 12th) – Science lesson plans, printable resources, slide shows, and videos

Scholastic Study Jams (3rd to 6th) – Video and slideshow presentation based science lessons

Science Bob (K to 12th) – Instructions, some including videos, for a variety of science experiments

Science Buddies (K to 12th) – Lesson plans and science project guides

Science Kids (K to 12th) – Science lesson plans, experiments, activities, and more

Science Matters (4th to 6th) – Downloadable units covering earth, life, and physical science

Science Mom QuaranTIME (3rd to 6th) – Video-based science and math lessons with printable notes

Science Sparks (K to 6th) – Science experiments, projects, worksheets, and more

The Space Foundation (K to 12th) –  Downloadable lesson plans that use space principles to integrate science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) into all content areas

Spoons Across America’s Farm to Book Storytime (K to 2nd) – Stories and printable activity sheets teach about the sources of food

Teach Preschool Science (Pre-K to K) – 75 science-related learning experiences with coordinating lesson plans

Think Earth (K to 5th) – Downloadable units that cover environmental education

Try Engineering (K to 12th) – A database of lesson plans that teach engineering concepts

Weather Wiz Kids (K to 8th) – A collection of weather-related science experiments

Woo! Jr. Kids Activities (K to 6th) – Science worksheets, lessons, and experiments

You Be the Chemist (K to 8th) – Activity guides for hands-on science experiences

Additional Free Science Resources

Science and Nature Study Curriculum – Free curriculum for all grades

Homeschool Science with YouTube – Learn about science with these YouTube channels.

Virtual Science Labs and Dissections – No lab equipment is needed with these free virtual science labs, dissections, and simulations.

Science Websites for Homeschoolers – Learn more about science with these informative websites.

Virtual Field Trips – Explore the world, including many science topics, through virtual field trips.

Note: This post was originally published on April 20, 2020 and has been updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

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