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How to Spot a Homeschooler During the Holidays

Our “How to Spot a Homeschooler” Series

In my series on “How to Spot a Homeschooler,” we’ve talked about: How to Spot a Homeschooler by Things We Find in Our Houses,  How to Spot Homeschoolers by Our Friendships, How to Spot a Homeschooler by How We Dress, How to Spot a Homeschooler by the Things We Say, and How to Spot a Homeschooler by How We Say Hello. Today, crank up your favorite Christmas carols because we’re about to talk about How to Spot a Homeschooler During the Holidays.

How to Spot a Homeschooler During the Holidays

“So what did you do in school today?” my aunt asked my daughter a couple of days ago, curiously.

Don’t be unsocialized! Click over to read the rest at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.

​ Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers 

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